I love it for many reasons. It targets every kind of learner and a huge variety of interests. Each "badge" must be earned by following a series of 10 or more challenges, and the challenges increase in difficulty. As the learner accomplishes each task, he/she uploads a photo as proof. There must be a huge sense of accomplishment when one successfully completes each task to earn the badge. And what's more - it's very public. You know that thousands of other like-minded people will be looking at your photos and commenting. www.diy.org
See this clip from the PRANKSTER badge (and who wouldn't want a prankster badge??)
(video courtesy Alex Schmitt, youtube.com)
Another cool aspect is that the process is self-initiated. You choose your badge, and work through the challenges on your own schedule. No teachers, no grades. Just you being challenged to do something you love. This skill of self motivation and inspiration will be essential to the 21st century learner. So what are you waiting for? Earn skills, become a maker - check out www.diy.org.