The facts don't lie. In 2050, we will have one-third more mouths to feed on the planet, bringing out number to 9 billion. Currently 70% of our agricultural land is used to raise livestock. If people continue to eat meat, we will have to cut down out forests (causing the extinction of plants and animals) in order to take precious land to grow more crops to feed more animals. All for your dinner plate. This is not sustainable. Eventually we will run out of land for crops and land for animals. Why fight the inevitable? Start being part of the solution by replacing meat with a better form of protein - INSECTS!
Eating bugs is not new. According to Marcel Dicke, a Dutch ecological entomologist, there are more than 1000 edible species of insects and many countries and cultures already eat these insect delicacies as part of a healthy diet. In fact, 80% of the world already eats insects. In addition to variety and flavor, they also have comparable amount of protein and vitamins as meat, but without the destructive impact on our planet.
Admittedly, it's hard to get your mind around to eating the same creatures we consider creepy crawly nuisances, but guess what - you're already eating bugs! Insect parts make up a small amount of all processed food. So no more excuses - replace that pork on your fork with a juicy cricket and help save the planet!
A great article to read and Marcel Dicke's TED talk Why Not Eat Insects?