About Me

Hi, I'm the teacher here.
It's true what they say, you DO have to be crazy to teach 7th grade. I am!

A proud Canadian, I've been teaching in overseas schools for the past 20 years. That's half my life!  My first job was at a teacher's college in Gyor, Hungary. How funny to graduate from teacher's college then work in one the next year!   My next six years were spent  being "in loco parentis" (in place of the parent) in a boarding school in Switzerland. A lot of cheese, chocolate and skiing - heavenly!  Imagine living in a dorm with all your teachers - it would be paradise, right?? HA!  I'm SURE my students thought so. Actually it was fun to have my students come visit me and stay for a cup of tea and warm baked chocolate chip cookies.

Twelve years ago, my husband and I came to work at a big school in Singapore, in fact, the biggest single-campus international school in the world!  Both my gorgeous girls were born here in Singapore and attend my school, so I get to pop down to their classrooms to visit  during the day.  What a lucky mom I am!

My favourite time of year is summer, and not only because we're on summer holidays.
June + July = cottage!
Already I'm dreaming of sitting at the end of my dock, nestled in my deck chair, cup of tea in my hand and loons calling out on the lake.   What place do YOU dream of during class?

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