Monday 9 September 2013


I found this article on One Direction quite interesting. No really, I did.  I was especially interested in Morgan Spurlock's experience in making a film about these boys. Well actually, I was interested in what he had to say about the importance of creating a STORY, and a good NARRATIVE.

Maybe you should read this article too, and tell me what you think!  And by the way, is the movie worth seeing?


  1. I want to see this so bad but it leaves theaters tomorrow:( The trailer for this movie looks so awesome:) i like it!!!!!!!

  2. I didn't even read the article because I think that even though they can sing, I got a bit of an overdose of them (as did my family) and have hated them ever since. Sorry 1D fans but I can't stand them, and no one is going to change my mind. I don't want to see the movie either.
