Thursday 5 September 2013

Interview with Veronica Roth, author of Divergent!

Here's another interview with Veronica Roth, and some love from her student readers If you are a fan of Divergent, be sure to visit her blog. I love her page about how she revises. I am SO excited to see this movie. I loved the book, and its sequel, Insurgent, and am eagerly awaiting the final book in the series, Allegiant. Watch this interview with Veronica Roth and just tell me what you think - will you read the book or see the movie?


  1. I think I will see the movie because when I read the book I had a hard time imagining Dauntless, and the characters, so seeing it would maybe help my understanding.

    1. Grace, I think you just want to see the movie so you can see what Four would look like in real life! :)

  2. Thanks for the video! I haven't read the series yet (it's on my 'to read' list), but this clip has peaked my interest again the book. I think I will have to move it up on my list. I'll be interested to do a comparison between the book & the movie since movies always change pieces of the book or leave "scenes" from the book out.

    1. Ms. Huntington - you know the book is ALWAYS better, so read it first. Want to see the movie with me?? We can compare the book and movie over some pizza afterward! :)

  3. Wow Mrs. McDowell! I really want to watch the movie! I haven't read the book yet but I have checked it out so I am going to read it soon! I can't wait! I probably will watch the movie too and try to compare it with the book! Thanks for sharing this clip with us!

    1. You are very welcome, Han. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. I remember that the book sounded interesting when you explained it in class, I may try it out. And also Mrs. McDowell, you should probably just link the video instead of embedding it because it will automatically start playing when I open your blog and it scared me! By the way, does anyone know when the movie is coming out or if it is already out? I'm not good with keeping track of movies.

    1. Bob, you are very smart. Thank you for that tip on using a link instead of embedding it. I will it. And in return for your help with the link,I will tell you when the movie is coming out (when I find out...).

  5. A lot of people told me that the book is amazing, I haven't read the book but I think that my classmates have persuaded me to read it. I've seen the trailer and it looks fantastic. I wonder if the book is better than the film. Which one do you like more between the book and the trailer of the movie? (in case that you didn't know, Baccio DF is my nickname for my long name: Giovanni Battista De Ferrari)

    1. I did not know to call you Baccio DF but we can certainly try. I must confess how much I would miss saying your name, "Giovanni" in that beautiful accent! So BAccio DF, check out the book, I hope you will like it! :)

    2. I did not know to call you Baccio DF but we can certainly try. I must confess how much I would miss saying your name, "Giovanni" in that beautiful accent! So BAccio DF, check out the book, I hope you will like it! :)
